it occurred to me that perhaps my evening cleansing ritual is in fact not cleansing enough.
I am a huge believer in balm cleansers and washcloths as this is the best method of cleansing for me.
I normally rotate between EH Amazing Face and Liz Earl Cleanse and Polish.
Caroline says that you should cleanse twice when wearing makeup and sunscreen as these are designed to adhere to the skin and one cleanse is not sufficient enough to thoroughly clean your skin. Caroline says the only time she cleanses once is if she has been indoors all day with no make up on! This makes sense and I apply this to how I wash my hair as well, the first cleanse/ wash removes all the dirt and grime/build up the second cleanse works at getting those ingredients (which is why you bought the product in the first place) into your skin and getting the most out of them on a deeper level rather than just surface otherwise you are merely washing it away with your makeup and not benefiting from the true ingredients.
So last night I double cleansed with my Liz Earl Polish and low and behold it made a huge difference! My pores looked like they had been vacuumed, my skin was glowing, supple and when I went to put my Liz Earl Superskin Concentrate, it literally just melted into my new found skin. I woke up this morning to a beautiful, clear, nourished face! So from now on ladies and gentlemen I am doing the double cleanse!
Do you have a cleansing routine or are you a soap and water kind of person? Do tell!
Thank you for stopping by :)
BlondeTeaParty x